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Last Updated on May 26, 2022


From early childhood, our parents have been teaching us the names of different emotions that we experience. We were taught how to correctly communicate emotions to let others around us know how we feel. We grew up learning children’s songs like, “If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”, which hinted at how happiness should be registered. They also taught us how to control our emotions when we got into an argument with our siblings or how to fight back our fear of thunder and other scary things. But one feeling, however, was not introduced to us when we were little and that is stressed obsessions compulsions.

Anxiety, worry, sadness, and even fear are all part of the human experience. However, when these negative emotions become a habit and interfere with one’s career, relationships, and sleep then it is not natural. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a term used to describe such a disorder.

In this condition, thoughts saturate the thinking, creativity, and everyday life experience and can make one unhappy. OCD defies all logic. It constantly pushes a person to put their faulty thoughts into action. One may even be persuaded into believing that performing these actions will put the worries to rest once and for all. However, this is not the case! Once a thought enters the mind, the logic remains a whisper, a weak fighting tool against fear. 


Obsessions are constant ideas, images, desires, or doubts that continually arise in the mind. They forcefully interrupt someone’s thoughts and can be quite unpleasant. Thoughts like “something isn’t right” or “something horrible will happen”, can make you feel nervous, or anxious.

On the other hand, compulsions are actions that one might find necessary to perform on a regular basis, with the ultimate goal of soothing discomfort. It’s possible that one might have to repeat the habit until the worry subsides and things seem normal again. Sometimes gratifying the compulsions reduces anxiety but they do not eliminate it. However, once the compulsions have been appeased, anxiety rises again provoking a need to indulge. Even if a person realizes that it’s not logical to carry out a compulsion, they keep asking other people to reassure them that everything is fine.


Almost anything can trigger OCD (stressed obsessions compulsions), such as the thoughts we have, the feelings we experience, and the situations we encounter. In simple words, a trigger is something that quickly directs your mind to your addiction. When it comes to OCD, triggers can be a nightmare to handle because they elicit a strong emotional reaction or a lot of fear. These impulses might be the result of ongoing stress, big changes in life, or traumatic events that happened in the past. To cope with the stressed obsessions compulsions once it has been triggered, individuals will need to address the compulsions, which further worsens the anxiety.

Stressed Obsessions Compulsions: Avoidance is NEVER the Answer

Avoidance is one of the most prevalent ways individuals cope with anxiety. Some OCD sufferers mistakenly feel that by avoiding certain locations like keeping away from social gatherings or avoiding certain behaviors they can avoid OCD. But nothing could be farther from the truth. Avoidance is ineffective because it is a compulsion, and compulsions are never effective when it comes to OCD. While they may provide a little relief from anxiety, the relief is always temporary, and the stressed obsessions compulsions only worsen OCD in the long term. When people with OCD engage in avoidance, they are listening to their unwelcome thoughts and allowing them to control their actions. In other words, they’re doing precisely what they shouldn’t do.

It is like common phobias and worries. A person who is afraid of swimming will not improve by avoiding it, instead, they will have to jump into the swimming pool to eliminate their aquaphobia. As insensitive as it might sound, OCD must be overcome in a similar manner. 


The fact that the disorder is persistent contributes significantly to the chaos it creates. Episodes happen out of nowhere, and when they do, they are taxing. People with OCD may self-medicate or avoid leaving their house because of the frequency and intensity of unexpected episodes, which appear to be their only decent options for soothing the discomfort.

But unexpected episodes become less troublesome when OCD is successfully managed. Here are some DO’s and DON’Ts for OCD.


  •     Be inspiring. Discuss your OCD (stressed obsessions compulsions) with your loved ones. Try to be sympathetic to yourself during difficult times and congratulate yourself on any progress made during treatment. This helps raise your self-esteem, confidence, and self-image.
  •       Consistency is key. Make a set of rules for yourself and keep to them. It’s crucial to maintain a healthy family schedule as much as possible.
  •       Keep a pleasant mindset. Remember that no one is to blame for the condition. OCD is a medical condition, not a personality feature.
  •       Keep yourself occupied. Carry yourself with confidence and engage in things that could make you happy, like knitting, reading, drawing, cooking, etc.


  •       Hesitating to act decisively. If your loved one refuses to admit that something is wrong and refuses to get assistance, tell them that you will continue to assist them in finding the professional care they require.
  •       Being ashamed of the nature of the illness. Millions of individuals suffer in silence and as a result, refuse to seek remedial attention. When discussing the symptoms of the disease with the patient, it is important to be open and confident to help them be more open to treatment.
  •       Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Develop hobbies and interests in your free time.


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is a condition that is commonly portrayed in books, television, and films. Despite its popularity, few people actually understand the disease. It is imperative that people need be aware that OCD patterns are wave-like in nature, and they should not expect a straight route to recovery. They must recognize ‘triggering factors’ and accept that they are a normal part of the process.

Unpleasant thoughts, if left unchecked, may have a negative influence on life, particularly on your mental health. The pain of unwanted thoughts can be overwhelming. However, there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Things will improve over time, with the right support systems, and the right treatment options. Learn more about OCD treatment options. To develop your understanding of these stressed obsessions compulsions and healthy ways to deal with them, join OCD Clinical Trials at Revive Research Institute.

Dr. Shaheryaar Shiraz

Dr. Shaheryaar completed his Graduation in Dental Surgery. He is also completing his Master’s degree in Health Administrations and currently working as a Quality Assurance Associate at Revive Research Institute.

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